

The default version of this game involves a small amount of flashing pixels, which may cause discomfort for some users: find more info here. Click "TURN OFF FLASHING" below or play at your own risk.


This game is designed to make you feel more comfortable with the Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT). Each stage will give you the graph of a function f and two points on the x-axis in the domain of f, such that f is continuous on all values between them. The IVT says that for any point y between the images of these two points, there is an x between them that f sends to y.

(a, b) will be chosen on the x-axis, and a function f that is continuous on (a, b). The enemy will hide out on the y-axis between f(a) and f(b).

Each function f here is continuous on an interval (a, b) on the x-axis. At any time, the enemy will be at a point on the y-axis between f (a) and f (b).

To fire at the enemy's current point, you can shoot anywhere within (a, b) by releasing your mouse/finger. The IVT says that some point in (a, b) will work. That is, you ALWAYS have a shot.

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