
Subset Memory

A game of systematically listing subsets


Round 1

A set of 3 elements

Total number of subsets: 23 = 8

Player 1: click an element to add/remove it from your next subset

A =

Player 1's turn

How to play:

Players take turns listing new subsets from the given set A. If you list a subset that has already been listed, you lose.

Each round ends when all subsets of A have been listed. The game continues until only one player remains.

For a single-player game, you will list subsets of the given set A. If you list a subset that has already been listed, you lose.

Each round ends when all subsets of A have been listed. You can win the game by completing 5 stages.

Player 1: Click the button below to begin!


Player 2,

this set was already found!

You're out!

Round 1


Player 1 wins!

Play again?